Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Delay in update - kitty's things first

Good evening, all ye who read this. :)

After my holiday weekend, I haven't had time yet to prepare a new dish from Andy's cookbook, and hence I'm immediately letting you and myself down by not having put up a new post yet by yesterday evening.

I was planning on preparing it tonight, but I just came back from the vet.

My cat has had a case of pretty bad breath and I fear that this bad breath in combination with her growing refusal to properly chew, means there's something wrong with her teeth. I have to say, taking my cat to the vet was a whole new experience altogether. My cat is lovely, let's start with that. And I don't know who that creature was in the vet's exam room, because that hellish vixen was definitely not my cute kitty. 

I don't know if any of you have a pet that changes 100% whenever they are at the vet's, but it's one of the weirdest things. She was purring and I got to cuddle her again the moment the vet had left the room, but when they returned, once again the ears went down and she went berserk. 

Anyway, I'm back now, with an appointment to drop her off next week, where she'll have a full examination whilst anesthetised. Roxy, why can't you just be an easy cat? 


Long story short, I'm in no mood to prepare a proper dish right now, so instead I'm going to warm up some leftover soup.

Thursday I'll try out the next dish, though! I am looking forward to that, and I hope I won't be as tired then as I am now. 

See you then! =)

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